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  • 5 Ways to Study Effectively for a Big Exam Coming Up
21 Jul 2021

5 Ways to Study Effectively for a Big Exam Coming Up

5 Ways to Study Effectively for a Big Exam Coming Up

  1. Prepare for the Exam in Advance

I am writing this because like many other students, I have found the exam preparation process daunting. The University of London is not an exception to this. In my opinion, it is very difficult to know what one should be studying for their exams. This is because there are a number of factors that contribute to how people learn and retain information such as age, intelligence, environment and personality among many others.

When it comes to exam preparation, there are various ways by which one can prepare themselves for the exams- such as making revision notes or attempting past papers which are available online. I believe that while these methods are helpful in some way, they will not help you in a significant way unless you make additional effort after them. For instance, if you make revision notes but do not go through them


2. Set a Timetable & Stick to It

One of the most important things when it comes to study is to set a timetable and stick to it. Research has shown that some people who study for 20 minutes per day, and spread this out over the course of a week, will do better than those who cram for an hour straight.


3. Get Your Body in Tip-Top Shape

A study found that elementary students who exercised for 20 minutes every day had better grades and less behavioral problems. The study also found that exercise is more beneficial for the students with behavior problems than those without.

This study shows how important physical activity is in school-age children. It tells us how exercise can help kids stay active and focused and can improve their cognitive abilities.


4. Keep Yourself Hydrated and Healthy Throughout the Exam Period

Exams are an integral part of the educational experience. However, for many students this period is also challenging and stressful, which can have negative consequences on their health.

Physically, exams can cause fatigue and tiredness which can lead to a drop in immunity levels. This is then exacerbated by the rapid weight loss that many students undergo during this time period. The lack of sleep caused by exams and general study habits often leads to headaches and/or stress-related health problems such as gastrointestinal disorders or heart problems. Students who do not drink enough water are also more prone to dry mouth with its accompanying dental issues such as tooth decay or gum disease.

Mentally, if exams are not properly prepared for, they can lead to high levels of anxiety or depression which will have a subsequent effect


5. Prioritize Sleep and Eat Well During the Exam Period

Studies have shown that sleeping well and eating healthily during exam periods can reduce stress, improve test performance, and maintain stamina.

A study done by Cardiff Metropolitan University found that students who slept 7-8 hours per night and ate a healthy diet had improved cognitive function.

Studies have also shown that taking a short nap (about 30 minutes) before the exam can be just as beneficial as sleeping for 7-8 hours.

Students should also try to relax their minds before exams by meditating, listening to relaxing music, or practicing yoga.